Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

Current Edition

Volume 34, Issue 4, 2024

34(4), 2024

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Original Article

Production and characterization of pLA/PBAT-based films incorporated with natural and maleinized vegetable oils Raquel do Nascimento Silva; Maria Eloisa Sousa Santos; Tatianny Soares Alves; Lucas Rafael Carneiro da Silva; Ruth Marlene Campomanes Santana; Laura Hecker de Carvalho; Amanda Dantas de Oliveira; Renata Barbosa
Modelling hydration effect on the mechanical performance of polyamide 6.6/glass fibers composites Allan Oliveira Rodrigues; Gabriel Fornazaro; Gabriel Vinicius Alves Silva; Eduardo Radovanovic; Andressa dos Santos; Hederson Majela do Nascimento; Antonio Guilherme Basso Pereira; Silvia Luciana Favaro
Recycled PVC to eco-friendly materials for footwear industry: process and mechanical properties Giovanna Marsura; Juliana Otavia Bahú; Laura Plazas Tovar; Romilda Fernandez-Felisbino; Eliezer Ladeia Gomes
Oxidative stability of sacha inchi oil microparticles covered with ovalbumin Ermelindo de Souza Silva Neto; Margarida Masami Yamaguchi; Marianne Ayumi Shirai; Claudio Takeo Ueno; Izabela Dutra Alvim; Fabio Yamashita; Carlos Raimundo Ferreira Grosso; Lyssa Setsuko Sakanaka

Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

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