Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

Submission of articles presented at the 16° CBPol to Polímeros


If you participated and presented works at the 16CBPol, Polímeros journal would like to be able to publish it, rewritten in its final form. It will be analyzed in the same way as any article submitted to Polímeros, with no change in the analysis and decision procedure. If you are interested then please read carefully and follow these instructions:

  1. The text must be written in English and formatted following the instructions listed in the Guidelines and Policies tab of the Polímeros website.

  2. There is no deadline for submission, which can be done at any time through the website, https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/po-scielo

  3. The article will be published shortly after completing the formalities for its acceptance.

  4. The corresponding author must be one of the original authors and must be registered in the ORCID ID. We also recommend that others are too.

  5. It is not allowed, under any circumstances, the exchange or inclusion of authors. On the other hand, any removal is accepted. This fact will be verified through the code of the article presented. If the authors deem that the change/inclusion is necessary, we suggest that their submission be made unrelated to 16CBPol. In this case none of the clauses listed here will apply.

  6. In the Cover Letter to the Editor, please inform that the article was presented at 16CBPol, its code and which of the authors presented it. There is no difference whether it was presented in oral or poster form.

  7. It is recommended that the title of the article be as close as possible to the one used during the presentation at the congress. Minor changes are accepted, if the authors believe that it better express the content.

  8. In the diagrammed version, the following sentence will be added, right below the list of authors and their institutions: “This paper has been partially presented at the 16th Brazilian Polymer Congress, held online, 24-28/Oct/2021”.

  9. As an incentive to the dissemination of works presented at 16CBPol, the value of the publication article charge of original articles was reduced and fixed at R$400.00 (US$80.00 if sent from abroad), regardless of authorship.

  10. As an extra bonus, no fee will be charged if the submitted article is a “Review Article”. Please note its difference when compared to an “original article”.

The organizers of 16CBPol, as well as the members of the Editorial Board of Polímeros journal, look forward to your valuable contribution, so that we can widely publicize the finished version of your participation in the ABPol congress.


If you have any questions, please contact us: revista@abpol.org.br; +55 16 3374-3949




Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

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