Analysis of Poly(Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid)/Poly(Isoprene) Polymeric Blend for Application as Biomaterial
Marques, Douglas Ramos; Santos, Luis Alberto dos; Schopf, Luciano Ferraz; Fraga, José Carlos S. de
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, vol.23, n5, p.579-584, 2013
The application of renewable raw materials encourages research in the biopolymers area. The Poly(Lacticco- Glycolic Acid)/Poly(Isoprene) (PLGA/IR) blend combines biocompatibility for application in the health field with excellent mechanical properties. The blend was obtained by solubilization of polymers in organic solvents. To investigate the polymer thermochemical properties, FTIR and DSC were applied. To investigate the composition’s influence over polymer mechanical properties, tensile and hardness test were applied. To analyze the blends response in the cell environment, a stent was produced by injection molding process, and Cell Viability Test and Previous Implantability were used. The Infrared spectra show that chemical composition is related only with polymers proportion in the blend. The calorimetry shows a partial miscibility in the blend. The tensile test shows that adding Poly(Isoprene) to Poly(Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid) induced a relevant reduction in the Young modulus, tensile stress and tenacity of the material, which was altered from the fragile raw PLGA to a ductile material. The composition did not affect the blend hardness. The cell viability test shows that the blend has potential application as biomaterial, while the first results of implantability indicate that the polymeric stent kept its original position and caused low fibrosis.
PLGA, latex, FTIR, DSC, tensile, hardness, implantability, cell viability
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