Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Evaluation of silanes in SBR 1502 / Telinne Monspessulana flour composites

Buitrago, Oscar; Palacio, Oscar; Delgado, Emilio

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A comparative study was performed on the effect of the addition of silane coupling agents (SCA), vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) to a mixture of styrene butadiene rubber SBR1502 with Telinne Monspessulana flour (TMF). SCA was directly added into the mixture using untreated and mercerized TMF. Also, TMF and SBR1502 mixing trials were conducted with the TMF previously mercerized and injected with each of the silanes. The rubber compounds were subjected to tensile tests in order to evaluate the coupling power of both SCA. It was found that the vinyl silane type produced the best results in the tensile strength.


composite, natural fiber, SBR1502, silanes.


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