Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Evaluation of recycled polypropylene properties with banknote-reinforced

Ingrid Amélia dos Santos Matusinho; Ítalo Rocha Coura; Patterson Patricio de Souza; Patrícia Santiago de Oliveira Patrício

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Banknotes often have a short lifespan and are frequently removed from circulation due to wear and tear, leading to a significant disposal challenge given the millions of banknotes discarded annually. This study evaluated the utilization of these waste banknotes, primarily composed of cotton fibers, in producing polymer composites. The mechanical and thermal properties, hydrophilicity, and degradation through accelerated aging of composites made from recycled polypropylene (PPR) and banknote residues were evaluated. The results indicated that including banknote waste increased the hydrophilicity of the composites relative to pure PPR and improved mechanical properties against weathering. Notably, composites with 10 wt% banknote content enhanced Young’s modulus and tensile strength, both in weathered and non-weathered conditions. This approach not only offers a potential solution for the disposal of waste banknotes but also aligns with the broader goal of reducing ecological impact and promoting the development of sustainable composite materials.




composite, polypropylene, banknote


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