Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Nanocellulose reinforced starch biocomposite films via tape-casting technique

Giovana Ladislau Garuti; Roberta Ranielle Matos de Freitas; Vitor Hugo de Lima; Karina Palmizani do Carmo; Franciane Andrade de Pádua; Vagner Roberto Botaro

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The objective of this study was to characterize the physicochemical-mechanical properties of corn and cassava starch films reinforced with CNF via Tape-Casting. There were differences in size and shape of the starch granules. Corn starch nanocomposites (NCO) showed a significant increase in tensile strength (5.14 to 25.58 MPa) and significant decrease in strain (24.81 to 2.76%) as the CNF concentration increased. Among the cassava starch nanocomposites (NCA), only the cassava starch sample with 1% CNF (NCA-1) showed significant difference both in the maximum stress (4.94 MPa) and strain (15.17%). The corn starch sample with 2% of CNF (NCO-2) presented a lower roughness and NCA-1 a smooth surface. There was no difference in chemical composition between the samples. The CNF-free starch films showed more transparency than other films. The NCA showed more transparency than NCO. Tape-casting technique unveils enhanced mechanical properties of cellulose nanofiber-reinforced starch films. Starch nanocomposites exhibit improved tensile strength and surface characteristics.




nanocomposites, biopolymers, starch films, nanocellulose, tape-casting


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