Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Development and characterization of sodium polyacrylate/bentonite hydrogel with epoxy resin coating

Marcia Murakoshi Takematsu; Amanda Faria Baruel; Silvana Navarro Cassu; Milton Faria Diniz; David Alexandro Graves; Rita de Cássia Lazzarini Dutra

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Composites are relevant to high-performance materials in the aerospace sector and have attracted the attention of the scientific and technological communities. Bentonites present very fine granulometry which enables their use in composites. This study showed the development of water absorbent composite based on sodium polyacrylate, bentonite coated by epoxy resin. Since there are gaps in the quantification of composite materials by near-infrared spectroscopy, especially by reflectance analysis (NIRA), this paper shows a quantification methodology (A7200/A5202) of sodium polyacrylate and bentonite. The methodology error found was 1.45% (95% of coefficient of determination). The effectiveness of the developed infrared methodology was verified showing that values are close to the nominal, especially for lower bentonite content. Besides, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and universal attenuated total reflection (UATR) analysis evidenced the coating with the epoxy resin. Such development ensures rapid and precise methodologies that can be applied to the quality control of composite materials.




bentonite, near-infrared spectroscopy, sodium polyacrylate


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