Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Superabsorbent biodegradable CMC membranes loaded with propolis: Peppas-Sahlin kinetics release

Juliana Paes Leme de Mello Sousa; Renata Nunes Oliveira; Antonia Monica Neres Santos; Ormindo Domingues Gamallo; Leonardo Sales Araújo; Antonieta Middea; Yara Peluso Cid; Rosane Nora Castro

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Propolis is a resinous product collected by honeybees with a complex chemical composition. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose is a polymer commonly used in wound care. The goal of the present work was to produce and characterize NaCMC membranes loaded with extract of Brazilian brown propolis (CMC-P). Flavonoids and phenolic acids were identified in the propolis extracts, where the main identified substance was kaempferide. The brown propolis extracted was active against S. aureus. The low swelling capacity and high gel fraction of CMC-P would be the consequence of propolis (responsible for a hydrophobic barrier) filling the pores of the membrane. Propolis could be anchoring the NaCMC chains (as observed by FTIR) due to interaction between components, which is corroborated by the CMC-P sample degrading less than the CMC sample (>400ºC). There was non-linear diffusion release kinetics for most phenolic substances of the propolis extract. The CMC-P sample presents potential as a dressing material.




wound care, NaCMC hydrogel, propolis release


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