Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Review Article

Effect of coupling agents on properties of vegetable fiber polymeric composites: review

Dielen Marin; Luana Marcele Chiarello; Vinicyus Rodolfo Wiggers; Amanda Dantas de Oliveira; Vanderleia Botton

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Using natural fibers in composites presents a wide range of applications, from furniture to airplanes. In polymeric composite, the use of fiber is to boost strength and stiffness. However, this material presents low mechanical properties compared to virgin polymers due to hydrophilic nature of the fiber and hydrophobic nature of the polymer. It can result in weak bonding matrix/fiber which may cause incompatibility problem in bonding fibers with most of the polymer matrices. To achieve compatibility between surfaces there is a need to modify them, and one alternative is using coupling agents. Maleated coupling agents stand out as option, but their source is petroleum-derived polyolefin. Researchers have been seeking for more environmentally friendly alternatives to replace these materials. Therefore, this work aims to bring a comprehensive review of the mechanical behavior of maleated and ecological coupling agents. Based on the literature, resistance, flexural, and tensile strength were properties discussed.




composite, coupling agent, mechanical properties, natural fiber, polymer


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