Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Effect of hybridisation and nano reinforcement on repairing cracked pipeline

Payman Sahbah Ahmed

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Composite materials are used to repair cracks in pipelines that appear after a period of time. This study investigates the effect of hybridisation on the blister behaviour of composite repair by using the finite element method. The behaviour of the best hybridised stacking sequence is compared with the experimental results to validate the numerical outcomes. The effect of adding multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) to the epoxy resin, used to stick the composite repair with the steel pipeline, is explored by combining the MWCNT and the epoxy through high shear mixing. The results showed that hybridisation has a great effect on improving the blistering behaviour of the composite repair. The preparation of nano-reinforced adhesive by shear mixing did not show noticeable improvement. Predicting the composite repair behaviour through blister test by using the finite element method can be used as a good indication of pipeline protection.




hybridisation, blister test, MWCNTs, shear mixing process, composite repair


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