Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Investigating the surface performance of impregnated and varnished Calabrian pine wood against weathering

Türkay Türkoğlu; Ergün Baysal; Çağlar Altay; Hilmi Toker; Mustafa Küçüktüvek; Ahmet Gündüz

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The study investigates the gloss and color changes values of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) wood impregnated with some copper content impregnation chemicals such as Celcure C4, Korasit KS, and Tanalith E 8000 and then water-based varnish (WBV) and polyurethane varnish (PV) coated after 6 months of weathering. The results of study showed that gloss values of PV coated Calabrian pine wood were higher than that of WBV coated Calabrian pine wood before weathering. The gloss values of all treatment groups decreased after weathering. Lightness values of Calabrian pine wood also decreased for all treatment groups after weathering. Pre-impregnation before PV coating resulted in lower 𝜟L* values of Calabrian pine wood. While all treatment groups tended to turn reddish by giving 𝜟a* positive values, they tended to turn bluish by giving negative 𝜟b* values. The lowest total color change was obtained with only WBV coated Calabrian pine wood.



impregnation, weathering, varnish, color and gloss test, Calabrian pine wood


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