Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Comparison of MA-g-PP effectiveness through mechanical performance of functionalised graphene reinforced polypropylene

Saravanan Natarajan; Rajasekar Rathanasamy; Sathish Kumar Palaniappan; Suresh Velayudham; Hari Bodipatti Subburamamurthy; Kaushik Pal

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This work aims in developing carboxyl functionalised graphene based PP nanocomposites by using melt mixing method to enhance the mechanical and thermal properties. Maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene was used as a compatibilizer to achieve better compatibility between the non-polar polymer and polar nanofiller. FTIR study confirms the presence of functional groups at corresponding absorption levels. TEM and SEM image shows the uniform distribution of COOH-Gr onto the PP matrix with the addition of MA-g-PP onto it. The tensile strength and young’s modulus of PMG5 depicts better improvement of 62% and 20% compared to neat sample. The increase in storage modulus of 19.02% was obtained for PG and 43.48% for PMG samples. The reduction in tan δ peak confirms the minimum heat buildup and as a result, leads to better damping characteristics of the nanofiller incorporated PP matrix.


functionalised graphene, maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene, polypropylene, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy


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