Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
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Dynamic mechanical analysis and crystalline analysis of hemp fiber reinforced cellulose filled epoxy composite

Palanivel, Anand; Veerabathiran, Anbumalar; Duruvasalu, Rajesh; Iyyanar, Saranraj; Velumayil, Ramesh

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The Dynamic mechanical behavior of chemically treated and untreated hemp fiber reinforced composites was investigated. The morphology of the composites was studied to understand the interaction between the filler and polymer. A series of dynamic mechanical tests were performed by varying the fiber loading and test frequencies over a range of testing temperatures. It was found that the storage modulus (E’) recorded above the glass transition temperature (Tg) decrease with increasing temperature. The loss modulus (E”) and damping peaks (Tan δ) values were found to be reduced with increasing matrix loading and temperature. Morphological changes and crystallinity of Composites were investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and XRD techniques. The composites with Alkali and Benzoyl treated fibers has attributed enhanced DMA Results. In case of XRD studies, the composites with treated fibers with higher filler content show enhanced crystallinity.


crystallinity, DMA, fiber treatments, hemp fiber, SEM, XRD.


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