Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

16th Brazilian Polymer Conference - 16th CBPol Ouro Preto, MG, October 24 to 28, 2021

Kátia Monteiro Novack, Rodrigo Lambert Oréfice

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The Brazilian Polymer Conference (CBPol), organized biannually since 1991 by the Brazilian Polymer Association, is the most important scientific event in the field of polymers in the country, bringing together professionals from universities, research institutes, government agencies and companies interested in the development of technologies for the production, characterization and application of polymers. The 16th edition of CBPol (16th CBPol) intended to transport the event to a more extensive international scope. For this, the submitted papers were all mandatorily written in English, as well as the oral and poster presentations had to give priority to the use of the English language.

The 16th CBPol was initially planned to be held in the Minas Gerais city of Ouro Preto. However, uncertainties and concerns about the COVID19 pandemic forced its establishment in virtual form. Thus, the 16th Brazilian Congress of Polymers was held virtually (remotely) from October 24 to 28, 2021.

Despite being held remotely, the event kept the theme associated with its initial headquarters (Ouro Preto/MG).

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